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Best of Both

Best of Both

I use both coaching skills in my energy healing work and my energy healing skills in my coaching sessions. Nevertheless it is also a possibility to incorporate both more explicitly into one session. Therefore I offer my Best of Both session. The session is between 60 - 75 minutes. First we will have 40 minutes coaching time followed by a 20 minutes healing session.

The insights and treasures that come out of the coaching time will be deeply embedded in your being by the healing sessions leading to a profound and effective alignment of your intentions.

Please see the Coaching and Energy Healing pages for more information about these two modalities.

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Energy Healing

Angela Mukono, Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Angela Mukono, Abidjan, Ivory Coast

I am very happy I got a chance to meet with you Josine because you have helped me to prioritize my goals which was something that I have been struggling with. Now, I can confidently say that, I have a better work- life boundaries and I am able to balance my work, family and be able to socialize with my friends.

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